Bees at the BBC Television Centre – The London Bee Company

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Bees at the BBC Television Centre

Written by Sameer Ghai


Posted on December 25 2016

After months of planning, we finally managed to place 3 colonies on top of the BBC Television Centre in Shepherds Bush.  

As construction was going on till late summer, we didn't manage to have bees up for the whole season so didn't get any honey as we left all the stores for them to use over the winter months.

We moved the 3 colonies up to the rooftops in Polystyrene nuc boxes and gave them some time to settle


BBC Nucleus Bee Hives

As soon as we opened up the doors, the bees were eager to get out and straight to work.  It was great to see them instantly re-orienteering themselves to their new location. 

London Bee Nucleus Bees

After allowing the bees to adjust to their new homes, we transferred them in to their new brightly coloured wooden beehives.

Our task now is to get them through the winter and look forward to a productive Beekeeping season in 2017.

Mace Beehives Television Centre BBC

This great location for the 3 colonies was only possible thanks to Stanhope and Mace Construction who have been very eager and supportive in their desire to do something for our London honey bees.  

We are looking forward to developing a rooftop garden during the spring and introducing a variety of wildflowers to help increase sources of forage.

Of course, there is always time for a few selfies especially with such a great view of London from the roof top.

Mace Selfie Beehive BBC Television Centre

Mace Construction Beehive

BBC Television Centre Beehives

Being able to have three boxes on the roof of Studio Three at The Television Centre is amazing. London sites are great for our bees, as they can travel up to three miles and the number of different plants they collect nectar from keeps them happy, healthy and ultimately produces the best honey! Many thanks to Stanhope, Mace and The Television Centre